In a strange and horrifying bit of news from India, a struggling Palghar writer tried to kill himself -- thrice -- while his mother, who reportedly had signed a suicide pact, died in the first attempt. Their reported inspiration for trying to take their own lives: a storyline from The Bold and the Beautiful.
Mumbai Mirror reports that Rohan Ramchandran called the police on Wednesday, January 28, after inhaling toxic vehicular fumes, drinking paint thinner, and slashing his wrists failed to kill him. When authorities arrived, the body of his mother, 62-year-old Rebecca, was discovered. Rohan, who is recovering at a local hospital, told the newspaper that his mother came up with the plan after remembering a scene from The Bold and the Beautiful.
Authorities are still investigating the incident, including whether or not Ramchadran's suicide pact story is valid.
We have scoured our archived recaps and have been unable to find a B&B storyline that mirrors this situation.
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