* Who's Who in Port Charles: Maxie Jones | General Hospital on Soap Central
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Mariah Maximilliana "Maxie" Jones
Actor History
Chelsey and Kahley Cuff
1990 to 1991
Ashley and Jessica Clark
Elaine and Melanie Silver
December 1992 to 1993
1993 to March 2002; August 2002 to July 16, 2004


Born on October 31, 1990

Birthday revised to October 31, 1986, when she was aged to 16 in 2002

Graduated from high school on June 9, 2005

Birthdate confirmed as October 31, 1986 in Maxie's patient files [Jan 26, 2022]


Accepted the lead role in Dillon Quartermaine's film [Aug 31, 2015]

Former Junior Editor for Crimson Junior editor for Crimson

Former assistant for Kate Howard

Former sales clerk at Metro Court's designer dress store

Former waitress at Kelly's Diner

Former candy striper at General Hospital


114 Clover Avenue #68, Port Charles, New York

Formerly 1020 North Yale, Port Charles, New York

Marital Status

Single/broken engagement to Levi Dunkleman [Engaged: Jul 22, 2014; Broke up: Aug 14, 2014]

Past Marriages

Matthew Hunter [Married: May 29, 2012; divorced: October 23, 2012]


Andrew "Frisco" Jones (father)

Felicia Cummings (mother)

Malcolm Scorpio (adoptive father)

Cindy Jones (paternal grandmother)

Peter Cummings (maternal grandfather)

Bertha Ramirez (maternal grandmother)

Mariah Cummings (great-grandmother)

Maria Ramirez (maternal great-grandmother)

Georgianna Jones (sister; deceased)

Anthony Jones (uncle; deceased)

Robert Scorpio (adoptive paternal uncle)

Barbara Jean Jones (cousin; deceased)

Lucas Jones (cousin; via adoption)

Robin Scorpio (adoptive paternal first cousin)

Emma Grace Scorpio Drake (adoptive paternal second cousin)


Unborn child (miscarriage; surrogate for Dante Falconeri and Lulu Spencer; deceased)

Georgie (daughter; with Spinelli) [Born: Aug 21, 2013]

Flings & Affairs

Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer Jr. (crush)

Lucas Jones (kissed)

Kyle Ratcliffe (lovers)

Jesse Beaudry (lovers; deceased)

Lucky Spencer (adulterous affair)

Cooper Barrett (lovers; deceased)

Logan Hayes (one-night stand; deceased)

Damian Spinelli (lovers)

Matthew Hunter (lovers)

Johnny Zacchara (kissed)

Franco (one-night stand)

Damian Spinelli (one-night stand)

Levi Dunkleman (lovers; deceased)

Nathan West (kissed)

Crimes Committed

Basic teenage stuff: lying, skipping school, underage drinking

Stole a bottle of pills from General Hospital [Aug 2003]

Aided and abetted fugitive Zander Smith [Jan 2004 to Feb 2004]

Attempted to steal a bottle of pills for an ailing Zander [Feb 3, 2004]

Went on the run with Jesse Beaudry when he was wanted [2005]

Stole drugs from General Hospital for Lucky's drug habit [Summer 2006]

Bought drugs for Lucky Spencer [Summer 2006]

Helped hide Cooper Barrett from the police after Metro Court hostage incident [Spring 2007]

Made sure Cooper's application would be accepted by the PCPD [Summer 2007]

Considered a suspect in the murder of Lisa Niles [Nov 2011]

Convinced Anthony Zacchara to have First Mate Briggs confess to the murder of Lisa Niles [Dec 2011]

Confessed to the murder of Lisa Niles and Officer Briggs [Mar 2012]

Sentenced to 20 years in Pentonville without parole for the murders of Lisa Niles and Officer Briggs (although she privately admitted to Spinelli that Matt had actually killed Lisa Niles) [May 1, 2012; Released from prison on May 29, 2012 when Matt was charged with the crime]

Did not tell Lulu Spencer and Dante Falconeri that she miscarried their biological child then tried to pass off her own child fathered by Spinelli as Dante and Lulu's [Jan-Oct 2013]

Violated a court order to have no contact with her daughter; not charged [Dec 2013]

Stabbed and killed Levi Dunkleman [Sep 15, 2014]

Health and Vitals

Severe illness as a child resulting in the need for a heart transplant [1994]

Overdosed on ecstasy [Aug 2003]

Faked a suicide attempt that led to real complications with her heart [Summer 2006]

Faked a pregnancy/miscarriage [Fall 2007]

Attacked by the Text Message Killer [Winter 2007]

Attacked by Logan Hayes [July 2008]

Knocked unconscious by Russian mobster Andrei Karpov's associates [Nov 2008]

Hospitalized with pneumonia after being trapped in a storm drain [Mar 2010]

Kidnapped and held hostage with Elizabeth Webber by Anthony Zacchara's men [Sep 2011]

Discovered the body of a dead boat captain [Oct 2011]

Beaten up in prison [May 2012]

Miscarried the child she was carrying for Dante Falconeri and Lulu Spencer [Jan 2013]

Hemorrhaged after giving birth via cesarean section [Aug 2013]

Rendered temporarily unconscious by Victor Cassadine while being held hostage by Levi Dunkleman [Sep 2014]

General Hospital Patient ID is 489302-03-P [Jan 26, 2022]

Miscellaneous Information

Social Security Number listed as 526-22-254 [Jan 26, 2022]

Brief Character History

Maxie Jones was born in October 1990 while her mother, Felicia, was stuck in her apartment window, dressed as a clown. In 1994, Maxie became seriously ill and needed a heart transplant to save her life. Her family rallied around her, and Mac even located her father, Frisco, and took him to be with his daughter. While Maxie waited for a donor heart, her cousin B.J. was in a bus accident that left her brain-dead. Felicia was overjoyed to learn that a donor heart had been found for Maxie, but when she learned that it was B.J.'s heart, she was devastated. B.J.'s parents, although heartbroken over B.J.'s death, were grateful that B.J.'s heart could save Maxie's life. Each year on the anniversary of B.J.'s death, Felicia and Bobbie visit B.J.'s grave and give thanks for the gift of life that she was able to give to Maxie.

Maxie spent most of her childhood bouncing back and forth with her sister Georgie between their grandmother's ranch in Texas, and Port Charles, while their mother traveled around the world in search of new adventures. When Felicia realized that she needed to spend more time with her girls, Maxie rejected Felicia for her constant abandonment of her children. But eventually Maxie let her mother back into her life.

Mac and Felicia were forced to pretend to be engaged in order to catch a Mac look-alike. Maxie and Georgie were excited over the prospect of Mac, who loved them as his own children, and their mother getting married. Mac and Felicia ended up actually getting married, and they became a tight-knit family. But Mac and Felicia didn't stay together, although Mac continued to be like a father to the girls. Mac raised Maxie and Georgie alone after Felicia left town to go undercover with Frisco after the couple reunited.

As Maxie grew into an adolescent, she began to behave like a typical teenager and often caused trouble. She developed a crush on Lucky Spencer but the feelings were not mutual and she was fired from her summer waitressing job at Kelly's for being irresponsible. She also got caught with alcohol and while babysitting Lulu Spencer, she left Lulu alone while she took a phone call outside. A fire broke out in the attic where Lulu was playing and Scott Baldwin rescued her. Mac was furious with Maxie and sent her and Georgie to live with her grandmother in Texas for a few months.

Maxie's rebelliousness increased dramatically as she grew further into adolescence. Focused on becoming popular, she decided that she needed to hook up with a guy from the popular crowd to increase her status. She used Lucas Jones, who liked her, despite Georgie's crush on him. Maxie quickly pushed Lucas aside after she secured the attention of a popular boy named Kyle and was willing to sleep with him to ensure her popularity. However, she didn't know that Kyle had used a web cam to film them having sex and had posted it on the Internet. When Maxie found out, she was devastated but decided to forgive Kyle and continued to date him.

As Maxie continued to spend time with Kyle, she overdosed on drugs and was taken to the hospital. Mac was extremely disappointed with her choices and she tried to gain back his trust by volunteering as a candy striper at the hospital. Kyle thought it was a great job because Maxie could steal drugs for them to get high on. Eventually Maxie realized that drugs were not for her and she and Kyle parted ways. Maxie steered clear of relationships and instead helped Georgie navigate her relationship with Dillon Quartermaine.

Maxie returned to town after some time away with her heart close to failing. It was almost to the point where she needed a heart transplant, but luckily the medication began to work. While in the hospital, she met Jesse Beaudry, a young cop on the run for his life. The two slowly formed a strong relationship, but Maxie was devastated when, after only a few months together, Jesse was killed in a mob-related shoot-out. She turned to her old crush and Jesse's partner, Lucky, for comfort. Lucky was struggling with his own demons. Jesse's death haunted Lucky and he was drowning in debt.

When Lucky suffered a debilitating back injury, it all proved too much for Lucky to cope with, and he ended up developing an addiction to pain medications. Convinced that she was in love with Lucky and only helping him, Maxie began stealing drugs from General Hospital to give to Lucky. They soon ended up having an affair, even though Lucky was married and very much in love with his wife, Elizabeth. Maxie resented the loyalty and devotion Elizabeth continued to inspire in Lucky and began doing what she could to both discredit Elizabeth and ruin Lucky's marriage to her. Maxie was certain that all Lucky needed was some space from Elizabeth to realize that he was in love with Maxie.

However, Lucky was determined to get clean and save his marriage. Desperate to hold on to Lucky, Maxie faked a suicide attempt by taking a non-lethal dose of medications. Diego Alcazar found Maxie and saved her life. Maxie's attempts to hold on to Lucky did not end there. She faked a pregnancy and then desperately tried to find a way to get pregnant. At one point, she even tried to seduce Diego. When that failed, Maxie realized that she had to devise a new plan before people would start wondering why she wasn't showing.

Maxie decided to goad Lulu into an argument and fake a tumble down the stairs so that she could say she had miscarried the baby. The plan worked wonderfully, and Lucky proved to be quite supportive during that time. Unfortunately, Elizabeth found out the truth, and Maxie was forced to confess everything to Lucky before Elizabeth told him. Lucky was hurt but surprisingly forgiving, although he made it clear that there would never be anything more between him and Maxie than friendship.

Determined to move on with her life, Maxie found a dream job for herself. She was hired as a sales clerk in Metro Court's designer boutique. Unfortunately, that put her in the Metro Court the night it was taken over by armed gunmen, and everyone inside was taken hostage. She quickly found herself trapped inside a locked vault with one of the gunmen and a briefcase for 15 hours. During that time, she and the gunmen talked, and by the time the vault opened, they had formed a bond. After the explosion of the Metro Court Hotel, Maxie helped the gunman hide and then establish a new life in Port Charles under his real name, Cooper Barrett. First she got him a job as a security guard at the hotel and then she helped him pass his exams so that he could join the Port Charles Police Department as a cadet.

Maxie's new relationship was going well until Maxie made a secret pact with one of Cooper's military buddies, Logan Hayes. She agreed to sleep with Logan if he seduced Lulu Spencer and then dumped her afterwards. Maxie resented Lulu for ruining Georgie's marriage to Dillon. Maxie was so focused on avenging her sister's broken heart that she didn't realize she was hurting was Cooper. When Cooper learned that Maxie had slept with Logan, he ended things with Maxie. She was devastated and spent months trying to reconcile with Cooper. Eventually, they did get back together, but happiness was not to be theirs. By the time they were reunited, a serial killer was stalking the women of Port Charles. Among the victims was Maxie's younger sister, Georgie.

Adding to Maxie's sorrow was the return of her mother. Maxie resented that it took Georgie's death to get Felicia to return home. Felicia explained that she'd been working with their father, Frisco, and that she had been unable to return home. Maxie didn't care. She felt Frisco didn't deserve any loyalty from anyone, including from Felicia. To Maxie, Felicia's actions were proof that her daughters meant little to her; at Georgie's memorial, Maxie made sure everyone knew what a rotten mother she thought Felicia was.

Things went from bad to worse when it appeared that Cooper was in fact the Text Message Killer. Maxie refused to believe it, even after she found Cooper dead after he hanged himself in an apparent suicide, with DNA results nearby showing that his DNA had been found under Georgie's nails after her death. Maxie enlisted Damien Spinelli's help to get to the truth, certain that Cooper could not have murdered anyone, let alone her sister, Georgie. Maxie's faith in Cooper was justified when Diego Alcazar was revealed as the Text Message Killer.

Maxie continued her pursuit of a career in fashion when she was hired to work at Crimson magazine as Kate Howard's personal assistant. Maxie was disappointed when she learned she had to share the job with Lulu. The rivalry between Lulu and Maxie shifted from competing for men to competing for Kate's praise.

Maxie and Spinelli still deeply missed Georgie. The pair developed a deep friendship as they grieved. Maxie knew Spinelli had a crush on her and she was interested in Spinelli, but her interest in hurting Lulu took precedence. Maxie joined forces with Claudia Zacchara. Claudia would pay Maxie if Maxie were able to seduce Claudia's brother, Johnny, away from Lulu. The plans were set aside when Lulu's ex-boyfriend Logan was murdered. Logan attacked Maxie when he went looking for Lulu at the Crimson offices. Logan then went after Lulu, and she stabbed him to death. Maxie helped Johnny and Claudia cover up Lulu's crime.

Maxie was shaken by Logan's attack on her and by his death. She turned to Spinelli for comfort and slept with him. Afterwards, she accompanied Spinelli on a stakeout to get information about a Russian mobster named Andrei Karpov. A car rushed at them, and Spinelli pushed Maxie out of the way to protect her. When Spinelli required emergency surgery, Maxie did not initially trust Matt Hunter to perform the surgery because of his suspicious behaviors and constant flirtation with her. Eventually, Maxie acquiesced and gave permission for Matt to perform the surgery. Maxie bonded with Matt when he saved Spinelli's life, and she learned Matt was actually investigating a counterfeit drug ring in Port Charles.

Spinelli was concerned when Maxie moved into an apartment with Lulu because Johnny would also be living with them. Maxie swore that she had abandoned her deal with Claudia and was too busy to seduce anyone because she was planning Robin and Patrick's wedding. Maxie had her turn at jealousy when Winnifred, an FBI computer genius, began spending time with Spinelli. Maxie worried that she was not smart or interesting enough to hold Spinelli's attention. She was also concerned that she was not good enough for him.

Johnny shared Maxie's feelings of inferiority regarding his relationship with Lulu. Both Johnny and Maxie agreed that they were destined to hurt those they love because they destroyed anything good in their lives. They shared some kisses at Johnny's garage, but they pulled away. Johnny drove Maxie home, and they found Robin's minivan on the side of the road during a winter storm. Maxie and Johnny found Emma and Robin in the snow, and they cared for Emma when Robin went to help at the hospital. A deadly bio-toxin had been released. Maxie tried to go in after Spinelli when she learned that he was inside, but Johnny pulled her out.

Maxie and Johnny were able to explain why they had been together the night of the winter storm, but Lulu and Spinelli sensed the growing attraction. Both Lulu and Spinelli were jealous when Kate hired Johnny to escort Maxie to Crimson events. Maxie proved she cared for Spinelli when she helped rescue him from an art thief named Cassandra Prescott, but Maxie continued to be drawn to Johnny. Spinelli pushed Maxie away after he witnessed a kiss between Maxie and Johnny.

In order to win Spinelli back, Maxie invented a stalker. Spinelli soon realized Maxie had faked her distress, but the pair worked together to uncover that Kate Howard was sabotaging Crimson. Spinelli hoped Kate would be fired so she could no longer require Johnny to be Maxie's escort. Kate kept her job, and Johnny stopped escorting Maxie after Lulu and Johnny broke up. Although Spinelli was not ready to trust Maxie yet, he allowed Maxie to help him investigate the death of Mayor Floyd's mistress, Brianna Hughes.

Eventually, Spinelli and Maxie started dating again, and Spinelli started proposing marriage. He proposed after a night in bed, he proposed after he serenaded her at Jake's, and then he proposed after asking her Uncle Mac for permission, which he was not granted. At the same time, Maxie was offered a promotion to Junior Editor atCrimson. Maxie stalled in giving Spinelli an answer until Mac forbade her from marrying Spinelli. She accepted Spinelli's proposal out of rebellion and planned to procrastinate on making any wedding plans, until Kate decided to use the wedding for a feature in Crimson.

Maxie privately confessed to Jason she did not want to get married, but she would go through with the wedding because she loved Spinelli and did not want to hurt him. Unbeknownst to Maxie, Spinelli overheard her conversation with Jason. When the wedding day arrived, Maxie and Spinelli stood at the altar to be married until Spinelli stated he could not marry her because they were not ready. Maxie was relived, and she and Spinelli celebrated their non-wedding with karaoke at Jake's.

Although Spinelli was Maxie's non-husband, she still fell into her familiar pattern of cheating when she met an eccentric artist named Franco, and she had a one-night stand with him. She felt guilty afterwards and was horrified when she learned Franco was a psychopath obsessed with Jason. Maxie debated telling Spinelli the truth, especially after Franco sent Jason compromising pictures of Maxie. When Spinelli overheard Maxie admit she had slept with Franco, he was deeply hurt by her betrayal. Their relationship was strained. Maxie decided Spinelli would need to cheat, as well, to get their relationship back on track, but he refused.

Spinelli wanted to repair his relationship with Maxie, so he set up a fake investigation in which he could emerge as Maxie's hero. His plan did not work, and they were trapped in a storm drain until Johnny rescued them. Maxie developed pneumonia, which became more dangerous because she was a heart transplant recipient. While Maxie was in critical condition, she had a vision of Georgie trying to lead her to the other side, but Maxie fought her way back and recovered. Maxie did not blame Spinelli for what had happened, but Spinelli felt guilty for endangering Maxie's life, and he agreed with her Uncle Mac that she deserved someone better than him.

Maxie and Spinelli drifted further apart when Spinelli sank into a depression after Jason went to prison. Spinelli disagreed with Jason's decision to voluntarily go to prison to protect Sonny's son Michael. Spinelli was focused on freeing Jason from prison and punishing those involved in sending Michael to prison. Maxie wanted to pull Spinelli out of his funk, so she decided to refocus his attention on her. She planned to make Spinelli jealous by dating Matt Hunter. At first, Maxie tolerated Matt for the purpose of her plan, but as they spent more time together, she was surprised to learn she enjoyed spending time with him. Maxie was conflicted about her relationships with Spinelli and Matt, and was unsure which one she should pursue. Spinelli decided for her when he ended their relationship after he saw her kissing Matt.

Even though Maxie still cared for Spinelli, she continued to date Matt and the relationship became more serious. Matt was impressed by Maxie's unwavering support of her cousin Robin while Lisa Niles made trouble for Robin and her husband Patrick.

When Lisa Niles exacted her revenge against Robin and Patrick, she also included Maxie, since Maxie had continually attacked Lisa in defense of Robin. Lisa had a gun, and she took Robin, Patrick, Steve Webber, and Maxie hostage in a hospital conference room. When Spinelli learned Maxie was in danger, he climbed through an air vent to protect Maxie. Lisa tried to shoot Maxie, but Spinelli jumped in front of a bullet to protect her. Maxie was concerned for Spinelli after he awoke from surgery with a different personality. She blamed herself for the trouble Spinelli was creating by believing he was Jackal, P.I.

Maxie consulted with Jason regarding her concerns over Spinelli and she decided that Jason should propose to Sam as a way to pull Spinelli out of "Jackal, P.I." mode. Jason did not follow Maxie's logic but he made plans to ask Sam to marry him. Maxie providing Jason with assistance in choosing a ring for Sam, but when she tried it on it slipped off and fell over the balcony ledge. She took Spinelli into the sewer with her to search for the ring in hopes of jogging his memory about their past together. He was unable to recall who he was but the ring was found.

The obsession with helping Spinelli caused a rift in Maxie's relationship with Matt. Maxie often cancelled her plans with Matt or spent her time with him brainstorming new ways to bring back the former version of Spinelli. During this time, Matt befriended Elizabeth which made Maxie jealous. Despite Maxie's feelings toward Elizabeth, the two women worked together when they were kidnapped and held hostage by the Zacchara organization. Each had inadvertently witnessed crimes of the Zacchara family and were being held hostage. Maxie escaped and ran straight into danger but Spinelli protected her. Afterward, he kissed her and she believed his true personality had returned.

Both Elizabeth and Maxie were checked out at the hospital after their ordeal. Maxie was frustrated when Matt seemed more concerned about Elizabeth than her. Maxie remained jealous while she planned the nuptials for Sam and Jason. Matt attended the reception as her date but she and Spinelli grew closer as he gave a toast about love that was directed toward her. Despite Spinelli's words, Maxie remained with Matt and asked him to join her as the subject of a feature in Crimson after his cancer research was published. The article focused on the pair as a couple, specifically the role Maxie played in supporting Matt's career. Matt declined the offer and was dismayed that Maxie had tried to make his success about her.

A combination party had been planned to celebrate Robin's birthday and Matt's research publication but Matt invited Elizabeth to be his guest instead of Maxie. She was hurt by his decision and decided to crash the party which was held on a chartered boat. While Maxie waited on the pier to join the party, she pulled Anthony Zacchara out of the water. He informed her that Lisa Niles was on the loose and thanked Maxie for saving him. He promised to owe her a favor.

Maxie pushed her rescue of Anthony aside and she made it onto the boat. She had expected to find Elizabeth in Matt's arms but instead found blood on a doorknob and a dead boat captain. The police arrived shortly after and Maxie learned that Lisa Niles had been onboard but had gone missing. One officer questioned Maxie's red-stained hands but she explained that a bottle of nail polish had exploded in her purse. Later when Lisa Niles turned up dead, Maxie and everyone else on the boat was considered a suspect in her murder.

In the aftermath of Lisa's death, Maxie noticed that Matt, Robin, and Patrick acted strangely and she was concerned someone close to her had killed Lisa. Mac refused to drop the case so Maxie called in her favor from Anthony Zacchara. He arranged for someone else to confess to the murder, but considered Maxie to be in his debt instead. In the meantime, Lulu married her boyfriend Dante and moved out of the apartment she shared with Maxie. Soon after, Anthony coerced Maxie into planning his wedding to Tracy Quartermaine. Anthony dropped in on Maxie occasionally to discuss the wedding and Maxie felt unsafe living alone. She asked Matt to move in with her but he declined. Spinelli moved in as her roommate instead.

Maxie hoped that Matt would react in a jealous fashion to the news that Spinelli moved in, but Matt did not care and he continued to befriend Elizabeth. The rift between Maxie and Matt widened and Matt ended their relationship. Maxie believed Elizabeth had been the catalyst for their break-up and she retaliated. Maxie reported to Monica that Elizabeth had stolen medication from the hospital to give to Lucky. As a result, Elizabeth was suspended from the hospital. This action pushed Matt further away.

Maxie was devastated over the end of her relationship with Matt and she visited Robin in the hospital lab. After Maxie left, she tried to reconcile with Matt and she recanted her statement against Elizabeth. Maxie's focus soon shifted away from restoring her relationship with Matt when she learned that Robin had been killed in an explosion in the lab. Maxie tried to bury herself in work especially after she heard the details about the explosion and realized she caused the gas leak when her purse strap was caught on a gas line and she yanked it away.

Mac, Lulu and Spinelli all tried to comfort Maxie although she refused to attend Robin's funeral and instead went into work wearing a bright red dress. Spinelli eventually convinced her to attend and she decided to speak at the funeral. She announced that it was her fault that Robin was dead because she had killed her. Everyone assumed Maxie was speaking out of grief even after she explained her role in causing the gas leak. Her friends and family again stated that it was an accident and she was not responsible for Robin's death.

Maxie insisted she needed to be punished and she announced that she needed to be arrested because she had also killed Lisa Niles. She claimed Anthony Zacchara had helped her cover up the murder by arranging for someone else, Officer Briggs, to take the fall. Mac was forced to arrest Maxie. When the day of Maxie's sentencing arrived, Spinelli accused Maxie of taking the blame for a murder that she did not commit and he named Matt as Lisa's killer although he had been too intoxicated to recall committing the crime. Maxie confirmed that Spinelli was correct but she begged him to keep the secret so Patrick and Emma would not lose Matt so soon after losing Robin.

The sentencing hearing started and Maxie was not pleased when she saw her mother in attendance. Felicia and Spinelli both spoke on Maxie's behalf to no avail. The judge issued Maxie a sentence of twenty years in Pentonville without parole. Her family and friends were distraught but Maxie announced that she was ready to begin her sentence.

Life inside of prison was harder than Maxie had expected and she was harassed and beaten up by some of the other inmates. Spinelli visited Maxie and announced that she would soon be free because he had proof that she had not killed Lisa Niles. The evidence was in the form of video surveillance footage and it showed an unidentified man hitting Lisa over the head with a wrench. Maxie was relieved to hear that Spinelli had found a way to exonerate her without sacrificing Matt but her joy shifted to anger when she learned she would have to testify against Matt. However, she outmaneuvered the legal system by marrying Matt so she could not testify against him.

Spinelli was crushed the news of Maxie's marriage and begged her reconsider her decision. Maxie insisted that she was glad to be married to Matt. However, the following day Matt confessed to Lisa's murder and was sentenced to Pentonville. Matt suggested divorce but Maxie chose to remain married. She felt uncomfortable living with Spinelli and decided to move in with Patrick in order to assist him with Emma. A few months later, Maxie realized that she was still in love with Spinelli and filed for a divorce.

Maxie moved back to her apartment and allowed Spinelli's new girlfriend Ellie Trout to become her roommate. Maxie soon regretted her decision after she told Spinelli that she was still in love with him and asked him to break up with Ellie to be with her instead. Spinelli did not choose Maxie and she was crushed by his rejection. Maxie distracted herself after Spinelli made his choice by agreeing to be a surrogate for Lulu and her husband Dante. However, early into the pregnancy Maxie suffered a miscarriage. She found comfort in Spinelli's arms and they slept together.

After Maxie's night with Spinelli, she believed they were going to be together. Maxie met with her doctor, Britt Westbourne, and learned that she and Spinelli had conceived a child. Although Maxie had not told Lulu and Dante that she had lost their baby, she focused on the new pregnancy and planned to tell Spinelli her news. Spinelli had news of his own and announced that he and Ellie had reconciled. Maxie was crushed and chose not to tell Spinelli about the pregnancy. Instead, she decided to allow Dante and Lulu to believe the child she was carrying was theirs.

Only Maxie and her doctor knew the truth about the baby. Maxie begged Britt to keep her secret and she agreed in exchange on one condition. Britt required that Maxie help her destroy a nursing student named Sabrina Santiago. Britt blamed Sabrina for her break-up with Patrick and wanted Sabrina to pay. Maxie reluctantly agreed to Britt's terms.

When Maxie's father Frisco arrived in town, he claimed he wanted to the chance to be a part of Maxie's life. She gave him the opportunity to be in her life and she shared the truth with him regarding the child she was carrying and her troubles with Britt. Frisco dealt with Britt and Maxie was touched by her father's actions. However, Frisco left Port Charles again after he realized that Felicia would not be taking him back.

After Frisco's departure, Ellie hacked into Maxie's medical records and learned the truth regarding the baby. Ellie threatened to tell Spinelli until Maxie convinced her that telling the truth would only push Spinelli back into Maxie's arms. As the pregnancy progressed, Maxie learned that she was having a daughter and she started to bond with the baby. She referred to the baby as "Georgie," which caused Dante and Lulu to believe that she was becoming too attached to the baby. Maxie claimed that there was nothing to worry about and spent the final weeks of her pregnancy helping Mac and Felicia with their wedding.

At Mac and Felicia's reception, Maxie went into labor and later gave birth to a daughter. Afterwards, she wanted to see the child and kept referring to the baby as her daughter. Her family, along with Dante and Lulu, were concerned with Maxie's attachment. Meanwhile, Ellie told Spinelli the truth about the baby and he confronted Maxie about giving away their daughter. However, neither Spinelli nor Maxie were able to take the child away from Lulu and Dante.

Lulu and Dante named the baby Connie and asked Maxie and Spinelli to be her godparents. During the ceremony, a lab technician interrupted and announced that Maxie and Spinelli were Connie's parents. After the truth was revealed, Spinelli and Maxie sought custody of their daughter while Lulu and Dante filed a petition to keep Connie. A custody battle ensued during which Lulu tried to prove that Maxie was unfit to be a mother. The judge agreed and Spinelli was awarded sole custody of Connie while Maxie was barred from having any contact with her child.

Maxie struggled with the court's decision and realized that she could not stay away from her daughter. She planned to end her life with a handful of pills even though a vision of her sister appeared and begged her to rethink her plans. Before Maxie had the chance to swallow the pills, Robin reached out to her. Maxie was shocked to discover that Robin was alive and chose to continue to live. Even with Robin back, Maxie wondered how she could prevent herself from violating the court order regarding her daughter until Spinelli announced that he and Ellie were moving to Portland and taking the child with them. Maxie shared a heartfelt goodbye with Spinelli and their daughter, whom Spinelli had chosen to rename Georgie. Maxie was deeply moved and they shared a kiss goodbye.

After Spinelli moved away, Maxie decided to embark on a spiritual journey. She sublet her apartment to a Port Charles police detective named Nathan West and bid goodbye to her family. She returned home a few months later with an interest in yoga, organic vegan foods, and Levi, her new boyfriend. Nathan and Levi did not coexist well within the apartment but Maxie allowed both men to stay. As Maxie reacquainted herself with life in Port Charles, she was thrilled to learn that Dante and Lulu had become parents in her absence and she was overjoyed to learn that Lulu was interested in resurrecting their friendship. Meanwhile, she struggled with Nathan's accusations that she had lost her own opinions and interests in favor of Levi's beliefs while on her journey.

Maxie and Nathan grew closer after he supported her decision to seek custody of her daughter whereas Levi had advised her against it. Nathan lied to the judge overseeing the custody case on Maxie's behalf but his lie was anonymously exposed and Maxie's chance to reunite with her daughter was gone. Maxie defended Levi against Nathan's accusation that Levi had tipped off the judge. Maxie continued to stand by her boyfriend after he accused Nathan of contacting immigration to have him deported. She was furious with Nathan for causing trouble for Levi even though he swore his innocence. Maxie kicked Nathan out of the apartment and assured Levi that he would remain in the country as her husband. Although Maxie's friends and family were not thrilled with her decision to marry Levi, she stood by her choice. As Maxie prepared to walk down the aisle, Mac informed her that Nathan had romantic feelings for her. Maxie tried to put thoughts of Nathan aside as she exchanged vows with Levi until Nathan interrupted the ceremony and announced that Levi was a con man after Felicia's Aztec jewelry. The accusations were true and Levi took Maxie at gunpoint and shot Mac while his accomplice grabbed Lulu. The men left with Maxie and Lulu even after Felicia handed over all of her valuable jewels.

Maxie blamed herself for the mess with Levi, whose real name was revealed to be Peter Harrell, Jr. She recognized the name because her mother had once been engaged to Peter Harrell. While Maxie and Lulu wondered what Levi had planned, Dante and Nathan arrived to rescue them. Instead, they were all captured by Victor Cassadine and taken to the Creighton-Clark Clinic. At the facility, Lulu was presented to Stavros Cassadine and Maxie was to be killed by Levi's father as payback for the misery her parents had caused him. Nathan arrived and shot Levi's father, which saved Maxie. In return, when Levi went after Nathan, Maxie stabbed Levi in the back and killed him.

Immediately after Maxie and Nathan had saved each other's lives, they acknowledged their mutual attraction and shared a kiss. Maxie went on a date with Nathan and they enjoyed their time together until the judge in Maxie's custody case stopped by. He declared that Maxie could not be involved with Nathan if she wanted to see her daughter. Both Maxie and Nathan were outraged but agreed that she needed to abide by the judge's rules.

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