* Wedding drama! (AMC Two Scoops Commentary for May 21, 2007) | Soap Central

Wedding drama!

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Wedding drama!
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I'm glad my wedding wasn't held in Pine Valley as there is always the potential ex-spouse showing up from the dead (Maria style) or trying to show up as Greenlee just did.

I'm glad my wedding wasn't held in Pine Valley as there is always the potential ex-spouse showing up from the dead (Maria style) or trying to show up as Greenlee just did. However Greenlee still had her revenge since she had Ryan thrown in jail for bigamy. All I can say is poor Annie to be a part of this dysfunctional situation. Annie who believes she's the only one Ryan has ever TRULY loved. Excuse me what happened to Gillian who I adored with Ryan and was Ryan's soul mate? Guess the writers expect us to just forget all of those wonderful memories and speaking of weddings Ryan and Gillian's was one of the best. It ranks right up there with Nina and Cliff's marriage. Yes, I'm dating myself and I don't mind at all as AMC should not expect us to forget the past (distant or not so long ago). I wonder how long this new union of Ryan's will last. I predict not long. Greenlee shows up at Fusion with Simone's stock but we all remember how Simone willed these same shares to Miranda. Since Babe has Greenlee's old shares there is no way Greenlee should even be a part of Fusion anymore, nor could Greenlee just take her shares back from Babe even though they are going down that road. So much for history!

Greenlee wants to know why time hasn't stood still while she was away! How about you're the one that left in a huff? Greenlee is the one that decided Kendall was evil, had an agenda and Ryan would never be a good husband since he faked his own death and never wanted children. Greenlee should have stuck around to see Ryan change his mind on this issue as well as others. I always believed Ryan's vasectomy would be reversed and Greenlee will be able to have children in the future. Dr. Madden was just lying to her! As any long time reader of this column knows I have never been a fan of the character of Greenlee even though I was a fan of Rebecca Budig. The Greenlee character has always been a selfish, self-absorbed, rich little snob. Someone we've probably all encountered in our lives and someone that will always be all about themselves and therefore will never become anyone's real friend. I wish Greenlee had stayed away.

We have Greenlee scheming to ensure some alone time with Ryan in the Bahamas, but her best laid plans don't happen since Annie shows up and tags along. Why didn't Greenlee expect this to occur since the reason for the trip is for that quick divorce which will then leave Annie as the new Mrs. Ryan Lavery? Did the Bahamas scenery look familiar to everyone out there? It did to some as this week's AMC Fan Spotlight of the week comes from Alison who writes: "WOW!!! Did you notice the beach in the islands looks exactly like the famous Pine Valley beach, rocks and all.... Is the budget that bad??"

Kendall is everywhere telling everyone how evil Greenlee is and how this could all have been avoided if someone had listened to her before the wedding. Ryan promptly apologizes but in reality it was Jonathan calling the shots before the wedding. And let's not forget Zach's advise to Kendall to "Mind Your Own Business". Kendall has become annoying in this role of a busy body. Seems she is indeed Erica's daughter. I wonder how long before Zach tires of her ignoring his advice and doing everything her own way?


Now that Jenny has been reunited with Krystal and Tad we have to endure Tad and Krystal's bonding. Tad has become very unlikable since he was responsible for Madden's death. Tad and Krystal have not been a couple for some time and even when they slept together it was a one-night stand. Wonder how this will pan out once it's determined Adam is really Jenny's father? I know there are lots of folks that agree with this thought.


I loved when Jamie admitted to JR how wrong he was to help kidnap Little Adam and keep him from his father. JR of course pretty much dismissed the apology, but that apology sure seemed heartfelt to me. Will Jamie and Babe will connect up again before their exits from PV? I could see them riding off into the sunset together, that is unless the role of Babe is recast. JR was definitely getting close with Amanda. Remember when she showed up in PV in JR's bed? Perhaps they are considering reuniting this pair. A little forgiveness could go a long way with Erica and Jackson as they continue their divorce on stage in front of the "New Beginnings" audience and TV cameras. I can see why Jackson is a big hit with all. Jackson is a hunk and available, well, the thought is he's available, but I doubt he'll stray far from Erica. Erica is green with envy now that Jackson is getting all that fan mail! I definitely see them getting back together, but will there be another marriage?

Prom Night!

Ava is certainly making the rounds --- one minute with Sean, the next with Jonathan. One thing we know is Sean and Colby are planning their prom date, but I see Ava trying to sabotage Colby's current happiness. Ava needs guidance. This whole Ava pretending to be Lily but also being Ava is getting very old and boring. Lily talking about Jonathan being rude, but is herself rude in turn. However, since Lily is autistic she can't be held accountable for her own actions. This plot appears to be contrived mainly because Leven Rambin received the only acting Emmy nomination that AMC garnered so let's give this person some airtime.


Adam is still after revenge and wanting Zach to participate. That was definitely Adam's logic as he was telling Zach he could get revenge on JR for hurting Kendall a while back. I was surprised the writers even remembered what happened to Kendall. However, Zach certainly knows about revenge and torture as he listened to Dr. Madden's torture not long ago

Other Items!

Well it is official, Cady McClain will not be returning to AMC because ATWT scooped her up and she is returning to her Emmy winning role there. Shame on AMC for being so stupid to get rid of Dixie and to even hint of a return of Dixie knowing Cady will not be reprising that role for a very long time if ever. I personally would not accept a recast of this role if they tried to return Dixie from the dead and from the mail I've received the Dixie and Tad fans would not accept this either. I wish Cady all the best of luck over at ATWT and mourn the loss of Dixie.

Why aren't TPTB trying to bring Julia Barr (Brooke) back on full contract? There would be so much for Brooke to do currently especially with Adam's heart attack and devious dealings. It's truly a shame that Brooke and the talented Ms. Barr aren't around.

Seems the character of Hannah is short lived as she is set to leave AMC May 24th. Even though I find her liaison with Josh a YUCK factor, I enjoyed her short stint and will miss the impressive actress. I hope to see her again in the future.

I've heard from so many that are tired of watching Kendall and Babe being on the front burner day after day. I don't know why with the various cast members available shows continue to do this. Although I believe we will be starting to get a lot of Greenlee now that she's back.

:Please remember to keep our troops in your prayers as Memorial Day is coming up soon. I sure appreciate Suellen writing for me a couple of weeks back. Thanks for the emails as I always enjoy them all & I'll see you back here next time!!


Mary Page
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