Adam and Chelsea betray Sally and Billy

The Young and the Restless Recap for Thursday, July 4, 2024
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Thursday, July 4, 2024

At the coffeehouse, Billy and Sally ran into each other and exchanged concerns about Adam and Chelsea. Billy and Sally sat down with cups of coffee and continued to discuss Connor's condition. They both agreed that they wished they could do more for their partners. Sally suggested that they change the subject, and Billy said that there was "a lot" happening at Chancellor-Winters.

Sally reported that working at Marchetti had been "the best experience." Sally asked if she was "being a jerk," since she was enjoying her job, even though she only had it due to Chelsea's absence. Billy said that Sally was actually helping Chelsea, and Sally was allowing Chelsea to focus on Connor.

Sally said that she felt a strong need to be near Adam, and Billy said that he felt the same way. Sally suggested that she and Billy "surprise" Adam and Chelsea in Baltimore. Billy said that Sally's suggestion was "tempting," but they would just be "a distraction" if they visited Chelsea and Adam. Sally agreed and thanked Billy for the support.

In Baltimore, Chelsea let Adam into her room, since they were both too upset to sleep. Adam poured them each a glass of bourbon, as Chelsea lamented that they had not "had one call" from the facility all day. Adam told Chelsea that they would get Connor through the situation, no matter what it took. Chelsea thanked Adam for reassuring her about Connor.

Chelsea and Adam talked about how wonderful Connor was, and they questioned how they had created such "a miracle of a kid." Adam refilled their glasses, and he told Chelsea not to blame herself. Chelsea replied, "But that's my super power." Chelsea grew teary eyed, and Adam told her that she had taught Connor how to be strong, loving, and resilient.

Chelsea and Adam reminisced about holidays with Connor, and they continued to refill their glasses. Suddenly, Chelsea again grew tearful when she realized Connor might not be home for their next Thanksgiving. Adam comforted Chelsea, but she was in anguish over Connor "hurting himself." As Chelsea cried, Adam pulled her close and told her that she had been remarkable. Chelsea and Adam began to kiss passionately.

Chelsea and Adam undressed each other, and they went to bed. Afterwards, Chelsea and Adam lay in bed, looking regretful for what they had just done.

At Newman Enterprises, Jack let himself into Victor's office and demanded that Victor "stay away" from Kyle. Victor played dumb, but Jack said that Victor's plan to "weaponize" Kyle wouldn't work. Jack yelled at Victor to take his vendetta out on Jack and to "stay away from [his] wife and son."

Victor couldn't believe that Jack was yelling at him, when Jack had been the one with Nikki when she had almost "drank herself to death." Victor questioned Jack's action of overdosing to "help" Nikki. Jack accused Victor of being angry because Jack had saved Nikki when Victor hadn't been able to. Jack again warned Victor to stay away from the Abbotts. Victor replied, "When I decide to retaliate, you will not see it coming." Jack stormed out, and Victor grinned.

Jack ran into Nick in the hallway, and Jack told Nick that Victor was "playing games" with Kyle. Nick entered Victor's office and asked what had been "going on" with Jack. Victor chuckled and called Jack "an idiot." Nick was worried, and Victor said that Jack would "get over it."

At the Abbott mansion, Diane begged Kyle not to take Harrison away from the family home. Kyle asked how Diane could "dare" to use Harrison against Kyle. Diane argued that Kyle was "trying to punish" his parents. Kyle said that Diane needed to "live with the consequences" of her actions.

Diane begged Kyle to "at least try" to work through their issues. Kyle taunted Diane about his upcoming plans, and he bitterly accused Diane of trying to "justify" what she had done to him when he'd been younger. Diane asked how Kyle could be so "hateful," and she reminded Kyle that he had "undermined" her continually at Jabot. Kyle sneered that he would never change his mind about moving out, so he could get away from his mother. Jack walked in. Kyle sarcastically asked how things had gone with Victor and if Jack had "set him straight."

Jack reminded Kyle that Victor was not the kind of person to go to for help. Kyle said that Victor had always appreciated Kyle's "business acumen," but Kyle still wouldn't admit that he was going to work for Victor.

Jack said that he wanted what was best for Kyle. Kyle said that if that were true, Jack would fire or demote Diane. Jack said that he would not let Kyle manipulate him. Kyle said that it was "good to know" where Jack stood, and he left.

Diane and Jack were mortified at Kyle's behavior. Diane said that she needed to know if Jack had considered Kyle's request to fire her. Jack asked how Diane could think that, and he said that he hadn't known how react to Kyle's suggestion. Jack hoped that Kyle would "cool down" and "find himself."

Jack suggested that Diane talk to Kyle, "mother to son." Diane agreed that the ball was in her court, but she wasn't sure how to fix the situation. Diane vowed that she would not "lose [her] son again."

Diane asked Jack what had had happened with Victor. Jack said that he had warned Victor to say away from Diane and Kyle. Diane pondered if Victor's plan had already been "accomplished" because he had turned Kyle against Jack.

Nick and Victor went to Society for a drink. Victor and Nick discussed Victor's plans to replace Nikki with Adam at Newman Media. Victor said that Adam had texted that Connor had "taken a turn for the worse." Victor said that "family unity" was the most important thing, and that was why he wanted Adam back at Newman Media. Nick concurred, but he still questioned why Victor wasn't allowing Nikki to go back to Newman Media, since she wanted to so much.

Victor said that he was always focused on Nikki and that Adam heading the media division would be temporary. Nick was suspicious that there was something Victor hadn't told him. Kyle entered and greeted Nick and Victor. After complaining about his family being nothing but trouble, Kyle went to the bar for a drink. Nick thanked Victor for the tequila, and they wished each other a good night.

Victor invited Kyle back to his table. Victor inquired why Kyle had told Jack that Kyle and Victor were "in collusion against" Jack.

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Danny and Christine surprise Traci in Paris

• Summer tells Kyle he is delusional if he thinks he can take Harrison away

• Jack tells Victor his family if off limits



The Bold and the Beautiful's Matthew Atkinson is back
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