Harris and Ava say goodbye

Days of our Lives Recap for Monday, June 24, 2024
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Monday, June 24, 2024

Harris entered his and Ava's room, and Ava awkwardly greeted him. She started to apologize for the way they had left things during the search for Clyde, but he stopped her. Harris understood that Ava had believed she'd had no other choice in dealing with Clyde. He informed her that he would be leaving town again, though -- not because of Ava but because of Hope.

Harris clarified that he had found a lead on Megan Hathaway and needed to pursue it. He had already told Rafe that he would be taking an indefinite leave of absence from the force. Harris admitted how strong his feelings for Ava were. While he wanted to work on their relationship, he could not commit to it until he found Megan. He didn't expect Ava to wait for him.

A tearful Ava asked if it was goodbye. Harris didn't answer, so she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Later, the couple silently cuddled and kissed in bed. After they had finished making love, Harris gathered the rest of his belongings in his suitcase and prepared to leave. He wiped away Ava's tears and embraced her. Ava said she didn't believe in long goodbyes, but she wanted one last moment.

Ava caressed Harris' face and kissed him again. They both grew emotional as he parted from her and made his way to the door. They shared a final wistful look before Harris left.

At the Salem Inn, Tate and Holly sat on the bed and kissed. Theresa and Brady burst through the door, and Theresa exclaimed, "I knew it!" The teens jumped from the bed, and a startled Tate asked what his parents were doing there. Theresa turned the question around and demanded to know why Tate and Holly had dumped their dates and ended up in the room together. Theresa let Holly know that she had been watching Holly and had seen Holly "scurry" away shortly after Tate had left the dance.

Tate and Holly protested that nothing had happened between them. They had only wanted to spend time together, since their parents had forbidden them from attending prom together or even seeing each other. Theresa was unmoved and asked how long the teens had been lying to them. Tate and Holly confessed that they had been seeing each other secretly.

Theresa began to insult Holly, which angered Tate. He defended Holly and railed against his parents for overreacting and treating him and Holly like criminals. Brady reminded his son that Tate had broken their trust. Theresa insisted she would take Holly home. Tate relented after Brady affirmed that Theresa and he would not be leaving the teens alone together again.

At Marlena and John's place, Eric joked with Marlena about the subjects he had deemed "off-limits." He assured his mother that he was doing okay and was handling his pain. Eric asked about John, and Marlena said that John was on his own quest to make amends with his past. Mother and son shared a piece of cake from Sweet Bits, which prompted Marlena to lament how much she was going to miss Johnny and Chanel when they left for Los Angeles. Eric lightly suggested that he would get Chanel to send overnight deliveries of her cakes for Marlena.

Eric and Marlena were interrupted when Tate stormed through the door, followed closely behind by Brady. Before Marlena could ask Tate about prom, he launched into a rant about his father and mother ruining the night. Tate ended his update of the night's events by summarizing how Brady and Theresa had barged into the hotel room "like a SWAT team." Brady defended Theresa and wanted his son to remember that he had lied to both of them.

Tate asked for backup from Marlena and Eric. Marlena believed that if Tate wanted his parents to accept his and Holly's relationship, he needed to be honest with them. Eric -- still eating his cake -- agreed it was a "complicated" situation that he should stay out of. Brady told Tate they would talk about it the next day.

At the DiMera mansion, E.J. and Nicole bantered about their choice of ice cream flavors. Nicole chided E.J. for turning down a bite of her "lowbrow" cookie dough dessert. Their talk turned to Jude, and Nicole jokingly asked E.J. if he was already preparing a briefcase for their son so that the boy could follow in his father's footsteps. E.J. grew serious and said he had something he needed to confess to Nicole.

E.J. admitted he had seen Nicole and Eric kiss on the night she had come home drunk. Nicole was sorry and wondered why E.J. hadn't told her before. He admitted his fears that Nicole would leave him one day. Nicole tried to reassure E.J. that he had nothing to worry about because she loved him and was committed to their family.

Nicole pulled out her phone to look for prom pictures Holly might have posted. As E.J. promised that Holly was likely having a good time, Theresa came through the door with Holly in tow. Nicole was surprised that Holly was home, and Theresa wasted no time in letting her know why Holly had made an early arrival. Nicole asked a guilty-looking Holly if Theresa's accusations were true, and Holly confessed that she had been with Tate.

When Nicole told Holly they would speak about it alone, an outraged Theresa attacked Nicole for going too easy on her "delinquent" daughter. Theresa claimed the entire incident was Nicole's fault, and Nicole angrily demanded that Theresa get out of her house. Just then, Jude began crying.

Nicole settled Jude after Theresa had left. Holly apologized for waking the boy but insisted her actions hadn't been as bad as Theresa had made them out to be. Nicole asked Holly if she had dumped her prom date to be with Tate. Holly admitted she had, but since her date had wanted to be with Tate's date, she believed things had worked out for the best. Holly also believed that Nicole should have understood what it was like to love someone that everyone believed was bad for her.

Nicole said they should call it a night, so Holly went upstairs. Nicole sighed, and E.J. comforted her. E.J. had a stricken expression as he gazed at Jude over Nicole's shoulder.

Upstairs, Holly texted with Tate. They confirmed they were both okay and expressed that they missed each other. Tate apologized for what had happened. Holly texted back, "Don't be. Even with all the drama, u gave me the perfect prom." Tate returned the sentiment, texting, "No matter what happens next, we'll always have tonight." Holly smiled at the message.

Outside the pub, Eric looked on longingly when a woman passed by with a baby stroller.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Alex talked to Victor's portrait. As he held the engagement ring box, Alex confessed his feelings for Theresa. While he knew that Victor would not approve of Theresa, Alex did believe that Victor would have wanted him to be happy. Maggie entered the room and asked what Alex was discussing with his father.

Alex admitted he liked talking with Victor because Victor was a good "listener." Maggie smiled and said she understood. Alex asked Maggie how she was doing, and Maggie said she was holding up. Alex still couldn't believe that Victor's murderer had been living under their roof. Maggie took the blame for being deceived, but Alex contended that Maggie had learned the truth and had devised a plan to make Konstantin pay. Alex was hurt that Maggie hadn't included him in the plan.

Maggie said she hadn't told Alex because their relationship was still in a fragile state. He agreed with Maggie that they'd had problems both professionally and personally. They were family, however, and would always be connected through Victor. Alex remembered Maggie's words about honoring Victor's legacy and making him proud. After Alex suggested they "bury the hatchet," Maggie declared they already had, and she hugged Alex.

Maggie asked about Theresa and noted how close she and Alex had gotten. Alex said he was beginning to figure out what and who he wanted. Maggie expressed her warm feelings for Theresa, and Alex assured her that Theresa felt the same way. Maggie was optimistic that Theresa was turning a corner.

Later, Alex greeted Theresa, who raged about the incident with Tate and Holly. After she calmed down, Alex said there was something he wanted to ask her. He pulled out the ring box, and Theresa gasped. Alex reminded Theresa that the last time she'd seen the box, she had expected something. Theresa started to tell Alex it was all right, but he interrupted her.

Alex opened up about how confused he had been regarding everything in his life since he'd discovered Victor was his father. Theresa asked him if he had begun to sort it out, and Alex confirmed he had as he opened the ring box. "Are you asking what I think you're asking?" Theresa questioned. Alex said that while they weren't at the Eiffel Tower or on a hot air balloon, he had realized how much Theresa meant to him. He wanted Theresa to know how much she meant.

Alex got on one knee and asked Theresa, "Would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Alex Kiriakis?" Theresa cried as she pulled Alex up and said "yes." He slid the ring onto her finger, and the newly engaged couple shared a kiss.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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